Installing xtables-addons on Raspbian
From Tomelec
Annoyed by tons of SSH brutforce attacs, I was looking for a way to lock out connections coming from other countries than the desired ones. xtables-addons got the geoip module which enables us to use rules like
iptables -A INPUT -i wan -p tcp --dport 22 -m state --state NEW -m geoip ! --src-cc AT,DE -j GEOIP_BLOCK_LOG
This example would match on connections not originating from Austria (AT) or Germany (DE). I wanted to use it on a Raspberry Pi running Raspbian.
Raspbian, a Debian based operating system for the Raspberry Pi, is a bit different to other Debian distributions when it comes to add kernel modules. The Kernel sources can not be installed using the packet manager but are downloaded and set up by a separate tool.
Getting the latest kernel and sources
- Update to the latest kernel and firmware using the rpi-update script as described here.
- Download and install the kernel source using rpi-source, see rpi-source.